
Kilkenny Flower Club was founded on Monday, 23rd November, 1981.

The yearly subscription was fixed at £3 and the meetings were held in various member’s houses.

A Coffee Evening and sale of Christmas Novelties was held 0n 17th December, 1981 to raise funds for the running of the Club.  This brought in £117 which was an amazing amount for one evening.

Chairperson: Mrs. Patricia Bowen R.I.P.

Secretary:      Mrs. Joan Dyer R.I.P.

Treasurer:     Mrs. Peggy Jacob

P.R.O.             Mrs. Mary White

The first meeting was held in Patricia Bowen’s house on 21st January, 1982.

It was well attended, most people worked on a “foliage arrangement”

Peggy Jacob demonstrated how to make “Carnations” from paper napkins. Used with natural foliage it was difficult to tell the difference from real carnations.

Mary White showed members how she made “flowers” using Honesty and Baby Cones.

At the February meeting it was announced that there were 24 paid up members.

It was decided to hold future meetings in The Social Service Centre, Waterford Road and a small charge of 30p was collected towards the cost of the hall.

The monthly meetings were held in this hall until February, 2008.


The Club is now 41 years old and has more than 60 members at the moment.

Meetings are on the second Thursday of the month at 8 p.m. and are held in

The Hoban Hotel Hotel,

Waterford Road,






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