Archive for category Events
Work Night – 9th June, 2022
Posted by Jackie de Róiste in Events, News on June 12, 2022
Members of the Flower Club had a most enjoyable evening on Thursday.
It was a Work Night, people came with prepared containers – inspired by Eva last month.
Almost all the arrangements were assembled without using floral foam. Hessian covered containers, fabric covered cans, woven basket, wool, tape even an unusual Swedish object was used.
Everybody had a fun night.
Coffee morning/Plant Sale 2022
Posted by Jackie de Róiste in Events on May 24, 2022
Kilkenny Flower Club committee are delighted to announce that the Coffee Morning & Plant Sale today at Dunmore Community Centre was a terrific success. The Alzheimer’s Society of Ireland will be very happy to receive the proceeds of the day.
The rain held off, in fact it was a lovely day.
We would like to say a big ‘Thank You’ to all who made the day such a success.
Thank you for supplying plants: ‘Gardiner’s World SOS”, “Flower Power”, ‘Country Life’, Castlecomer, Ursula Brennan.
Thank you to the people who publizised the event, parish newsletters, papers, CRKC (Caomh), KCLR, people who put up posters etc.
Thanks to everyone who supplied plants and cakes and bought many more.
We are grateful to everyone who prepared the hall, served teas, washed up.
A special thanks to Eddie Holohan for traffic control and general help all around. The Community Centre at Dunmore was the perfect venue.
Thanks to Niamh, Eimear and Alice who worked tirelessly all day.
Thank you to all our friends for their contributions.
The motto of the club is: ‘Friendship through Flowers’ and indeed that was the case today.
The National Flower Festival 2019 in Cobh, Co. Cork
Posted by Jackie de Róiste in Events on October 5, 2019
Twin Trees Heywood Art & Culture Festival
Posted by Jackie de Róiste in Events on September 6, 2019
Flower arrangements are by members of Kilkenny Flower Club and Durrow & Cullohill Flower & Garden Club.
Imposed Event, May 2019
Posted by Jackie de Róiste in Events on May 25, 2019
The Imposed Night was a great success, many members took part and found it most enjoyable.
There was an excellent entry in the Novice Class.
A big thank you to Theresa Collins for her judging and most useful critique.
Each bucket contains materials for two entrants.
People at work:
A.O.I.F.A.- National Flower Competitions in Kinsale, April, 2019
Posted by Jackie de Róiste in Events on May 19, 2019
Inter- Club Competition – ‘Gateway to………..’
Kilkenny Flower Club was represented by Mary Delehanty & Eileen McGrath.
‘Gateway to Monet’s Legacy’ – a beautiful arrangement.
They received ‘Very Highly Commended’ which was a terrific result.
For more photos from the competitions go to:
or go to AOIFA.
Browse the site.
‘Music in Song and Nature’ – Conna, Co. Cork. Oct. 2018
Posted by Flowerclub in Events on November 2, 2018
This is the entry in Conna, Co. Cork for the competition entitled “Music in Song and Nature”
Mary Delehanty and Eileen McGrath represented Kilkenny Flower Club.
The good news is that they qualified for the national competitions which will be held in Kinsale in April 2019.
Kilmurry Nurseries
Posted by Jackie de Róiste in Events on June 19, 2016
(Don’t forget to click on photo to enlarge, press ‘Back’ to get back to the rest of the photos)
After a lovely lunch in Marlfield House we proceeded to Kilmurry Nursery
Paul gave us a tour of the garden, then we were happy to buy lots of plants as souvenirs of our 2016 Garden Outing.
Garden Visits, June 2016
Posted by Jackie de Róiste in Events on June 19, 2016
Susie’s Orchard
Members of the Club spent a lovely afternoon in Susie’s Orchard.
The sun shone and Josephine was a wonderful guide as she showed her vast knowledge of a huge array of plants in her garden.
It truly is a hidden gem in Kiltealy, Co. Wexford.
Visit the website:
or if you are on Facebook:
Thank you Josephine, it was most enjoyable.
Eva Holmes wins Silver at Canada Blooms
Posted by Jackie de Róiste in Events on June 10, 2016